VP / GM AXON for Consumers

Introducing TASER for self-defense. Ubiquitous in the world of law enforcement, the TASER story was not quite in the same place with the general public. Founded in 1993, the company had not launched a new consumer product since 2016 with an unaided brand awareness rating of 2.7%.

I joined the parent company, AXON (formerly TASER International), as the VP & General Manager of the consumer team in 2020. My mandate, re-imagine the brand and the products for the consumer space. Grow consumer awareness and drive revenue growth. Working with our local design agency, we refreshed the brand's visual language and messaging, inspired by the technology and brand ethos. We launched two new TASER hardware products, a personal safety app, and a line of branded accessories and apparel. Read on for some of the highlights.

Visit taser.com to see it all.

New Product Launches

Armed with consumer insights and gap in the market identified, we set out to launch two new devices. Each one had the same objectives. First, to appeal to a non-firearm audience seeking an effective, non-lethal self defense solution. Then to enter the retail market with design and packaging that positioned the products closer to consumer electronics than Smith & Wesson. This strategy came together in the shape of three new products , the TASER Bolt 2, The TASER StrikeLight 2, and Axon Protect, the safety companion app.


A safety marvel wrapped in a discreet form-factor. Designed to be easy to use, with advance protection features such as laser targeting and connected app for connected safety.

While this video was staged, real events like this are unfortunately way too common. This video was designed to introduce our audience to the product’s key features.


Introducing the world’s ultimate panic button.

Call on an Axon Agent for backup in any situation. 

Instantly connect you to a larger network of friends, family, professionals with apps and services that get you the backup you need, when you need it. With an emergency alarm, concierge, and rapid response service, you can relax in knowing help is always available. 

Visit the website

Driving Brand Awareness

Radio Campaigns

TASER is iconic in both the media and in our imaginations. Yet 65% of people surveyed did not understand the difference between a stungun and a TASER device.


An unUsual challenge for growing awareness is the fact that by the nature of its very name, the TASER brand is blocked from 99% of digital advertising. We got creative in how to spread the word and drive brand ambassadors.




